Support Us

What we ask?

Here’s how you can help make this project a success.

  • We plan to incentivise students with a rewards programme. Sponsoring the rewards will enable us to encourage students to engage in sustainable behaviours and make a positive impact on the environment.
  • You can be involved as much or as little as you want. We’re welcoming contributons valued between €500 and €10,000. Choose a sponsorship level that best fits your budget.

What you get in return?

There are immediate benefits:

  • Increase your brand awareness. Your logo appears on our website and shows you have helped us to incentivise 1500 students at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Your organisation will also be seen by an even larger international crowd of companies, organisations and individuals via the university’s communications of its research activities.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. You get the satisfaction and the kudos of associating with a project at a leading European university that promotes sustainable behaviours and positive social impact.

And later in the project:

  • You can use our project insights for your sustainability strategies! Together, we can create a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future.

Do you want to support our research? Reach out to!
